Tuesday, October 6, 2009

4 Key Pieces to Building a Peak Performance Sales Organization

Start-up companies and mid to larger companies require varying degrees of the following 4 keys to building successful sales teams: Talent, Rep Availability (market coverage), Productivity and Field Readiness.  Everything else you can possibly think of is a subset of one these 4 Keys.  However, the 4 keys are about execution and roll out.  Prior to building out and executing on the 4 keys, corporate strategy needs to be determined through heavy collaboration among stakeholders. 

The VP Sales must grasp business drivers that are essential to the company's success.  These business drivers are then peeled to the root and specific tactics created to achieve the metrics designed to support the business drivers. Once these metrics are agreed on by senior management, including Marketing, Operations and Finance (remember collaboration), we are closer to implementing the 4 keys above. 

There is much groundwork done to "learn" what will ultimately become the sales strategy for the company.  This step is where many companies fall short as they focus on buidling sales teams that don't drive the company to success.  I will address the learning process that brings corporate sales strategy to light and I'll delve deeper into the 4 Keys in subsequent writings.

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